Mar 19, 2013

Paneer roll

This is something that often goes into the school lunchbox, but this is the first time, I remembered to take a picture of the rolls.

Cut 1/2 onion very fine, and saute in about 1/2 tsp butter till the raw smell goes.
Cut about 100 gms paneer into tiny pieces and add to the onions. Add salt and pepper to taste, and about one pouch of tomato ketchup. Stir well, then turn off the fire.
Place on a roti (this quantity is sufficient for 4 roti rolls), roll and tuck both ends in. Cut into half, if you are sending it to school.

I used to roll it using tissue paper, but was told that the kids mess the class up with it. Now I tuck both the ends in (so the filling doesn't fall out), and cut it in half, so it makes a piece that can be finished off in just a few bites.

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