Sep 13, 2013


Once you learn to make falafels, the next step is to get yourself a good hummus recipe. I did make a lovely basil hummus once, but it is the regular hummus that you need if you want a good dip to accompany your falafels.
Thankfully, I loved this one that Kiki Petriti posted.

200 gr. cooked chickpeas
100 gr. tahini sauce (or, you can replace it with soaked sesame seeds like I did)
3 cloves garlic, crushed
1/2 tsp cumin powder
juice of 2 lemons
chopped coriander
paprika and olive oil for garnish

We puree the cooked chickpeas, add the tahini (or if you are using sesame, puree that with the soaked chickpeas) and half lemon, salt, coriander and garlic until it is smooth.
Add cumin and salt until to taste.
If it is thick you can add little water or juice from the chickpeas
Garnish with olive oil and paprika

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